miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2014

The Beatles-The Peter Seller´s tape 1968

Esto nos lo envía un gran amigo nuestro, para que lo compartamos con todos vosotros. Gracias Mr. "X" por este pedazo de disco.

1. Back In The USSR - Close to the rare Mono mix found on the equally rare mono offical     release                                         but the jet noises are different.
2. Rock Raccoon - Again close to the rare Mono Mix but has chatter and unique sounds at the                                           beginning.
3. Wild Honey Pie - Again, early Mono Mix, close to finished mono product.
4. Mother Nature's Son - Take 26, Mono mix, close to finished mono product.
5. Sexy Sadie - Song is 40 seconds longer than released version.
6. Don't Pass Me By - Major differences in this track.  There is an extra verse plus long unique 'bravo                                     ending' complete with clapping and dogs barking.   Finally Ringo Shouts Out                                       "I've Got Bli-----" Nope.... Ringo Shouts out "If you want to hear more you                                            gotta turn the tape over!"
7. Yer Blues - This is more of a medley than Yer Blues.   It features a mix of Yer Blues - you can                                hear Ringo shouting encouragement about half way through.  There are also sound                              effects similar to that found in Revolution 9 and an African children's choir.
8. Good Night - Again, similar to the released version but there are a few major differences, first the                             already overly lush orchestration seems even more so, the song is shorter and has                                 some children sound effects near the end.
9. Everybody's Got Something To Hide Except Me And My Monkey - Mono mix with count in,                                                                                                                           slightly different words and                                                                                                                        background vocals.
10. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da - A very interesting take that includes studio banter, a false start and the                                                  ending is also extended with John adding "thank you.....I'm sure"
11. Blackbird - Lack of bird sound effects and Paul's voice is has extra echo. 
12. Not Guilty - This is reportedly take 102... not bad for a song that didn't make the record.  There is                            a count-in heard and extra guitar rifts and solo is different.   Also has a fake fade out                            and then the song continues.
13. Peter Sellers Talks With The Beatles - This conversation was recorded during the Get Back                                                                                Sessions

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