domingo, 11 de enero de 2015

A Tree Full Of Secrets Vol.2 cd3

Volume 2 (CD3 - CD4):  Pink Floyd Rarities 1969 - 1973  
Songs from "Ummagumma" era, "Moonhead", rare Italian single "In Concerto", "One Of These Days" demos, promo single, Roger The Hat interview and a whole CD4 dedicated to "Dark Side Of The Moon" rarities.


Disk 3:
1 - Astronomy Dominé - live short version
2 - Embryo - "Picnic - A Breath of Fresh Air" Harvest sampler
3 - Biding My Time - "Relics" compilation, released May 14, 1971
4 - "this is pretty avant-garde isn't it" 
5 - "and the wind cried ... " 
6 - Moonhead - BBC TV broadcast
7 - "here's a loud announcement" 
8 - "silence in the studio" 
9 - Green is the Colour - live 
10 - Careful with that Axe, Eugene - live short version
11 - Embryo - live short version
12 - Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun - live short version
13 - "Relics" radio advert #1
14 - "Relics" radio advert #2
15 - "Meddle" radio advert 
16 - One of These Days - demo #1 
17 - One of These Days - demo #2 
18 - One of These Days - US promo single
19 - Fearless - mono edit
20 - Roger the Hat interview??

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