viernes, 16 de octubre de 2015

OMD-Live in London, 03.10.1984

Registro de la BBC in Concert. La verdad son archivos para el recuerdo, y de los que yo le tengo ese cariño especial, es que son de mi epoca, cuando empezaba  a salir por ahi, discotecas, fiestas,.......
De OMD el lunes subiremos otro documento muy interesante, atentos!
(En el interior del archivo "Locomotion" aparece como primer track, es incorrecto, es el ultimo tema que tocan del show)

01. Messages
02. Tesla Girls
03. Love And Violence
04. Julia's Song
05. White Trash
06. She's Leaving
07. Joan Of Arc
08. Maid Of Orleans
09. Talking Loud & Clear
10. Hard Day
11. Souvenir
12. Telegraph
13. Radio Waves
14. Enola Gay
15. Locomotion

10 comentarios:

  1. OMD is great, muchas gracias !!!! Besides - backcover says "November", I think, October is indeed correct...

    1. Hi Thanks for your comments, but I think the correct one its November, However, I am not 100% sure about!!
      Thank you!!

  2. the correct date is the 3rd october, it's a bbc broadcast of a recording made on that date probably aired in november 1984. as a friend of the band, thanks for removing the peel sessions

    1. Hi, Thanks very much for giving us some light regarding this lovely show, it is really good. About the Peel sessions we thought it was not ofiicial, nevermind we do not try to do any harm to anybody and we took it down.
      Thanks again for your comments!!

  3. if you ever need to check the status of a peel session

    1. Thanks a lot! Are you related to any of the OMD members?? I used to have some friends working as musicians in Liverpool, long ago

  4. no i used to work for BBC radio

  5. the BBC threw most tapes of Peel's shows away fortunately the internet exists

    or type john peel shows into google and it'll direct you to some others


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