jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2016

Mike Oldfield - Return to the Origin

Postearemos 2 bootlegs en relación con el album 3 Lunas y su juego para pc.


Welcome     (6:37)
Proud spirit     (1:55)
Ants run     (0:38)
Bird to Island     (2:09)
Viper     (1:23)
Dolphins     (2:28)
Underwater castle     (1:32)
Piano game     (1:30)
Rose     (2:06)
Redwings flight     (1:17)
Planet game     (3:22)
Tai Chi     (1:25)
Bats flight     (1:45)
Sword game     (1:25)
The thin men     (1:31)
Butterfly world     (1:22)
Owl flight     (1:55)
Canyon     (1:27)
Sprite game     (6:56)
Good world     (0:43)
Rings game     (1:18)
Space Skater     (0:27)
Return to the Origin     (2:18)
Discus flight     (2:09)
Landfall     (0:50)
Horse choir     (0:52)
Horse ride - Art in Heaven     (1:30)
Moon game     (2:33)
Finale     (1:40)

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    1. Hi,
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