viernes, 14 de abril de 2017

Katrina And the Waves Poplar Creek

Buenísima esta captura de radio de Katrina And the Waves.


Katrina And the Waves
Poplar Creek 
Hoffman Illinois
FM Broadcast @320

01. Birkenhead Garbage Pickers  
02. Is That It
03. Mexico
04. You Want Cryin'
05. Tears for Me
06. Red Wine & Whiskey
07. Walking on Sunshine
08. Sun Street
09. Machine Gun Smith
10. Riding Shotgun
11. Lovely Lindsey
12. Rock Myself to Sleep
13. Game of Love

Vince de la Cruz - Guitar, Vocals
Katrina Leskanich - Keyboards, Vocals
Kimberley Rew - Bass
Alex Cooper - Drums

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