viernes, 26 de julio de 2019

Tangerine Dream - The Bootleg Box Set Vol. 2

The Bootleg Box Set vol. 2 incluye cinco conciertos de los años 1976 a 1983, dos de ellos con la alineación Froese / Franke / Baumann, uno con la formación de corta duración con Froese / Franke / Jolliffe / Krüger (también conocido como Krieger), y dos con más Formación estable Froese / Franke / Schmoelling.


CD1: Albert Hall Nottingham, UK, 1976
1. Part One (33:42)
2. Part Two (32:14)
3. Part Three (13:43)

CD2: Lisner Auditorium Washington, USA 4, April 1977
1. Introduction (1:09)
2. Cherokee Lane (1977 live version) (17:06)
3. Interlude One (1:02)
4. Monolight (1977 live version) (19:34)
5. Interlude Two (3:05)
6. Monolith (27:18)

CD3: Lisner Auditorium Washington, USA 4, April 1977
1. Drywater Rush (13:24)
2. Interlude Three (2:19)
3. Rain In Spain (10:31)
4. Chris Franke Interview (3:06)
5. Octagon (9:04)
6. Closing Words (2:07)

CD4: Audimax, Hamburg, Germany 24_February 1978
1. Part One (43:12)
2. Part Two (9:20)

CD5: City Hall, Newcastle, UK 25 October 1981
1. Logos, Part One (Section 1) (9:58)
2. Sobornost (Edinburgh Castle) (7:50)
3. Digital Times Suite (15:32)
4. Bondy Parade (13:16)

CD6: City Hall, Newcastle, UK 25 October 1981
1. Mojave Plan (26:34)
2. Thermal Inversion (12:20)
3. Remote Viewing (1:00)
4. Force Majeure (3:40)
5. The Price (2:31)
6. Kiew Mission (7:17)
7. Choronzon 10:08)

CD7: Fassbinder Memorial, Frankfurt, 11 June 1983
1. Fassbinder Memorial Concert (35:09)

Total Time: 387:11

Line-up / Musicians
- Edgar Froese / keyboards, guitar 
- Chris Franke / keyboards 
- Peter Baumann / keyboards on CD 1, 2 & 3 
- Johannes Schmoelling / keyboards on CD 5, 6 & 7 
- Steve Jolliffe / vocals, flute on CD 4 
- Klaus Krieger / drums on CD 4

Releases information
CD1 / Nottingham Albert Hall, November 8th 1976 / 79.39 mins
CD2&3 / Washington Lisner Auditorium, April 4th 1977 / 69.17 + 40.31 mins
CD4 / Hamburg Audimax, February 24th 1978 / 52.30 mins
CD5&6 / Newcastle City Hall, October 25th 1981 / 46.33 + 63.33 mins
CD7 Frankfurt Fassbinder Memorial, June 11th 1983

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