Después de muchos años compartiendo ideas, experiencias y conocimientos en este espacio, ha llegado el momento de decir adiós. El blog Fresh and Alive cierra sus puertas, y con ello, se cierra un capítulo muy especial de mi vida. Desde el primer día, este blog ha sido un refugio para mí, un lugar donde he podido expresarme libremente y conectar con personas maravillosas de todo el mundo. Vuestro apoyo, comentarios y participación han sido el motor que ha impulsado cada publicación, cada reflexión y cada proyecto compartido aquí. A lo largo de estos años, hemos explorado juntos temas apasionantes, hemos debatido, aprendido y, sobre todo, hemos crecido como comunidad. Cada uno de vosotros ha dejado una huella imborrable en este espacio, y por ello, os estaré eternamente agradecido. La decisión de cerrar el blog no ha sido fácil, pero las circunstancias personales y profesionales me llevan a tomar este camino. Mi cojera en la pierna izquierda (Mi Hermano Andrés) ha sido un desafío constante, hace tiempo que dejó el blog y yo solo no puedo seguir, ya que me estaría engañando a mi mismo. El proyecto nació de dos personas y tengo que ser fiel a eso. Aunque me retiro de este espacio, llevo conmigo todos los recuerdos y aprendizajes que hemos compartido. Quiero agradecer especialmente a todos los colaboradores, amigos y lectores que han hecho posible Fresh and Alive. Sin vosotros, nada de esto habría sido posible. Vuestro entusiasmo y dedicación han sido una fuente constante de inspiración. Aunque este es un adiós, no es un final. Las conexiones que hemos creado aquí perdurarán, y estoy seguro de que nuestros caminos se cruzarán de nuevo en el futuro. Seguiré activo en otras plataformas y proyectos, y espero que podamos seguir compartiendo nuestras pasiones y sueños. Tras varios correos que he recibido (mas de 200) he decidido que este año 2025 dejare el blog activo para descargas y editare 12 especiales, uno por mes. El mail segura activo. Gracias por todo, de corazón. Ha sido un honor y un privilegio compartir este viaje con vosotros. Con cariño y gratitud, Sr. X

viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2018


Banda noruega de rock progresivo que se fundó en 1994 en Oslo.


very good audience.

set 1
call me back
all rights removed

set 2
the bridge
greatest show on earth
surveillance 3

homesick 1-3

jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2018

AC/DC-Live in Sydney, 30.01.1977

The Haymarket
Sydney, Australia


01-Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
03-The Jack
04-Can I Sit Next To You Girl
05-High Voltage
07-It's A Long Way To the Top

miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2018

Nightwish - Vehicle Of Spirit - The Wembley Show (2017)

El 9 de junio de 2017, la banda anunció que el 9 de marzo de 2018 marcaría el debut de una gira mundial de nueve meses titulada «Decades: World Tour», para concluir en diciembre, y el lanzamiento de un nuevo álbum de recopilación titulado Decades. La gira contará con «material raramente escuchado» y un set especial para los aficionados, en la fecha de apertura del 9 de marzo, a todos los miembros de la audiencia se les ofrecerá el álbum de Decades de forma gratuita.


1 - Shudder Before The Beautiful 6:58
2 - Yours Is An Empty Hope 6:47
3 - Ever Dream 4:10
4 - Storytime 5:42
5 - My Walden 5:15
6 - While your Lips Are Still Red 5:05
7 - Élan 4:27
8 - Weak Fantasy 6:19
9 - 7 Days To The Wolves 7:16
10 - Alpenglow 4:56
11 - The Poet And The Pendulum 14:00
12 - Nemo 4:53
13 - I Want My Tears Back 7:13
14 - Stargazers 5:11
15 - Ghost Love Score 10:36
16 - Last Ride Of The Day 4:58
17 - The Greatest Show On Earth 22:37

martes, 27 de noviembre de 2018

Van Halen-Live in Pittsburgh, 24.07.1998

Van Halen
SBD +10


Line Up:
Eddie Van Halen
Alex Van Halen
Michael Antony
Gary Cherone

01 Unchained
02 Without you
03 One I want
04 Mean Street
05 Fire in the hole
06 Why can't this be love
07 Romeo delight
08 Dancing the night away/Feel yourlove tonight
09 Humans being/Somebody get me a doctor

01 A year and a day/Eddie'ìs solo
02 Right now
03 Ain't talking bout love
04 Josephina
05 Panama
06 Jump

lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2018

CAEMAN (CAI - IMAN) Baelo Claudia Agosto 2013

En 2012, Diego Fopiani y Paco Delgado formaron un nuevo grupo, que hizo su presentación en la ciudad de Jerez de la Frontera bajo la denominación de Caeman, el 5 de octubre de 2012. 
Esta nueva etapa cuenta con el bajista y cantante Iñaki Egaña (miembro fundador de Imán) y los teclados de Blas Lago.


CAEMAN Baelo Claudia Agosto 2013



domingo, 25 de noviembre de 2018

Pink Floyd 'Definitive Westworld'

El show de Fillmore East es un excelente concierto, de hecho, toda la gira estadounidense de la primavera de 1970 en Stonybrook, Port Chester, KQED y Santa Monica son los otros boots que circulan de esta gira. Los setlist son excelentes, pero la inclusión de Grantchester Meadows vale su precio en oro, solo se registra aqui y no se si tambien en el concierto de Stonybrook, ya que no tengo esa grabación.


Pink Floyd
'Definitive Westworld'
Fillmore West
San Francisco, California, USA
Wednesday April 29th, 1970

Stereo Soundboard Recording
Encoded: 320 Kbps MP3

Track List: 
101. Grantchester Meadows
102. Astronomy Domine
103. Cymbaline
104. Atom Heart Mother 
105. The Embryo
201. Intro
202. Green Is The Colour
203. Careful With That Axe, Eugene
204. Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun
205. A Saucerful Of Secrets
206. Interstellar Overdrive

David Gilmour
Rick Wright
Nick Mason
Roger Waters

viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2018

Paul McCartney-Unreleased album, Return To Pepperland 1986

Paul McCartney
Return To Pepperland
The Unreleased 1987 Album


Return To Pepperland is a cancelled 
Paul McCartney album recorded in 1984-1987. 

01. Lindiana
02. I Love This House
03. We Got Married
04. Beautiful Night
05. Loveliest Thing
06. Squid
07. Big Day
08. This One
09. Love Comes Tumbling Down
10. Christian Pop
11. Atlantic Ocean
12. Love Mix
13. Return To Pepperland
14. P.S. Love Me Do
15. The Same Love
16. Don't Break The Promise 

jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2018

Camel 2018-07-14, Freilichtbuehne - Loreley

En mayo de 2016, Camel extiende sus actuaciones a Japón y Andy Latimer reconoce tener grabado material casi como para cinco discos, pero sin confirmar si al menos algo de ese nuevo material será editado. El puesto de teclista lo ocupa el joven Pete Jones.

En octubre de 2017 el grupo anuncia gira "Moonmadness Tour 2018" con uno de los conciertos previstos en el Royal Albert Hall de Londres para el 17 de septiembre de 2018.



- Night of the Prog XIII, Day 2 -

Loreley, Germany
14. July 2018


Disc 1:
01 Aristillus 01.43
02 Song Within A Song 08.07
03 Chord Change 07.28
04 Spirit Of The Water 02.51
05 Another Night 07.21
06 Air Born 05.34
07 Lunar Sea 11.08
08 Unevensong 06.41
09 Hymn To Her 06.34

Disc 2:
01 Long Goodbyes 06.11
02 Coming Of Age 07.48
03 Rajaz 10.53
04 Ice 09.32
05 Mother Road 09.02
06 Hopeless Anger 05.03
07 <band introduction> 04.07
08 Lady Fantasy 15.58

Andrew Latimer - guitar, vocals, flute
Colin Bass - bass, vocals
Denis Clement - drums
Peter Jones - keyboards, vocals, saxophone

miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2018

The Cure-Live in Washington, 16.11.1984

The Cure 
The Top Tour
Ontario Theatre 
Washington, DC, USA


01 Shake Dog Shake 
02 Piggy In The Mirror 
03 Wailing Wall
04 M 
05 Primary 
06 Cold 
07 The Hanging Garden 
08 Charlotte Sometimes 
09 Secrets 
10 The Walk 
11 Let's Go To Bed 
12 crowd 
13 One Hundred Years 

14 Give Me It
15 A Forest 
16 Happy The Man 
17 The Caterpillar 
18 Interlude
19 Three Imaginary Boys 
20 Boys Don't Cry 
21 10:15 Saturday Night 
22 Killing An Arab 
23 Forever 

martes, 20 de noviembre de 2018

PODCAST La Caravana 4x06 - 1988 - Marillion, Iron Maiden, Pink Floyd, Traveling Wilburys, Mudhoney

Descripción de 4x06 - 1988 - Marillion, Iron Maiden, Pink Floyd, Traveling Wilburys, Mudhoney

En nuestro loco recorrido por la historia musical, llegamos a los ochenta, pegamos un frenazo en 1988 y nos planteamos el reto de buscar allí algunos discos que puedan ser “rescatables”. Tras mucho analizar los distintos elepés publicados, nos dimos cuenta de que había calidad suficiente, no sólo para éste, sino para varios programas (sobre todo si te mola el thrash), aunque por cuestiones de calendario y ganas vamos a dedicar una única sesión a celebrar el 30 aniversario de unas obras musicales bastante dispares (por decirlo suavemente). 
Nos centramos en cuatro estilos muy diferenciados para tener una visión panorámica de lo que se estaba cociendo en aquel año: analizamos el rescate de unas viejas glorias que no levantaban el vuelo (Travelling Wilburys); recordamos el incipiente estilo neo-prog que intentaba contra viento y marea mantener con vida el rock progresivo en una década que parecía orientada hacia otros derroteros (Marillion); ofrecemos un bootleg inédito en directo de una de las más grandes bandas de la historia en el ocaso de su carrera (Pink Floyd); y osamos mezclar las churras con las merinas metiendo en el mismo programa la cumbre del heavy metal en su momento de gloria (Iron Maiden) frente al nacimiento del sonido que luego se conoció como Grunge (Mudhoney), proveniente de la ciudad de Seattle (que se pronuncia /Sítel/ como todo el mundo sabe).
Como podéis observar nos metemos en un berenjenal importante, tratamos de reivindicar que los ochenta no fueron tan malos y discutimos con vehemencia sobre si Steve Harris es un tío cojonudo o es más cansino que las cortezas de cerdo.
Suenan por este orden los siguientes discos:
1. Marillion: The Thieving Magpie
2. Iron Maiden: Seventh son of a Seventh son
3. Pink Floyd: Bootleg en directo ’88 
4. Traveling Wilburys: Vol. 1
5. Mudhoney: Superfuzz Bigmuff 


lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2018

Midnight Oil-Live at Wembley, London, 12.05.1990

Midnight Oil
Wembley Stadium


01-King Of The Mountain 
03-River Runs Red 
05-Read About It 
06-The Dead Heart 
07-Lucky Country 
08-Only The Strong 
10-Beds Are Burning 
11-Bedlam Bridge 
12-Forgotten Years 
13-What's So Funny About Peace, Love And Understanding 
15-Know Your Product 
16-Blue Sky Mine

This originates from a radio broadcast, and has been bootlegged fairly widely. Includes the rarely-played "Bedlam Bridge", and a cover of "Know Your Product" by legendary Australian punk band The Saints. 

viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2018

Van Halen ‎– Jump Live

En febrero de 2014 David Lee Roth anuncia en una entrevista radial que Van Halen prepara nuevo material de estudio a lanzarse aproximadamente en 2015 junto a una nueva gira mundial. En 2015 sale al mercado el álbum en vivo titulado Tokyo Dome Live in Concert, recogiendo una presentación en directo de la gira soporte de A Different Kind of Truth.

Van Halen ‎– Jump Live


1 Poundcake
2 Love Walks In
3 A Man On A Mission
4 Best Of Both Worlds
5 In 'N' Out
6 I Can'T Drive 55
7 Ain'T Talkin' 'Bout Love
8 Spanked
9 There'S Only One Way To Rock
10 Finish What Ya Started
11 Why Can'T This Be Love
12 316
13 Panama
14 Jump

jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2018

Paul McCartney-Live in Liverpool, 26.08.1990

Paul McCartney
Radio One's Liverpool Concert
Charity Concert, King's Dock
Liverpool, England
Thursday June 28th, 1990

Got to get you into my life
We got married
The long and winding road
Sgt. Pepper
Sgt. Pepper (Reprise)
Can't buy me love
Put it there
Things we said today
Eleanor Rigby
Back in the U.S.S.R.
I saw her standing there
Coming up
Let it be
Strawberry fields forever / Help! / Give peace a chance
Give peace a chance (Reprise)
Hey Jude
Get Back
Golden Slumbers
Carry That Weight
The End 

miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2018

Lynyrd Skynyrd USA Thursday March 15th, 2018

De acuerdo con la RIAA, Lynyrd Skynyrd ha vendido más de veintiocho millones de copias sólo en los Estados Unidos y ha conseguido diecinueve discos de oro y veinte de platino.​ A pesar de estas cifras y de su larga trayectoria, la banda todavía no ha conseguido hacerse con un premio Grammy,​ aunque los temas «Sweet Home Alabama» y «Free Bird» fueron incluidos en su Salón de la Fama.

Lynyrd Skynyrd
Buckhead Theatre
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Thursday March 15th, 2018


Soundboard (Broadcast) Recording

Encoded: 320 Kbps MP3

Track List:
01 What's Your Name
02 You Got That Right
03 Saturday Night Special
04 Midnight Rider [Allman Brothers Band cover] 
05 Down South Jukin'
06 That Smell
07 I Know A Little
08 Simple Man
09 Gimme Back My Bullets
10 The Needle & The Spoon
11 Tuesday's Gone
12 Gimme Three Steps
13 Call Me The Breeze
14 Sweet Home Alabama
15 Piano intro
16 Free Bird

martes, 13 de noviembre de 2018

KISS-Live in Holmdel, 20.08.2010

The Hottest Show On Earth Tour
PNC Bank Arts Center
Holmdel, New Jersey, USA

Modern Day Delilah
Cold Gin
Let Me Go, Rock 'N Roll
Say Yeah
Crazy Crazy Nights
Calling Dr. Love
Shock Me
Tommy And Eric's Solo
I'm An Animal
100,000 Years
I Love It Loud
Love Gun
Black Diamond
Detroit Rock City
Lick It Up
Shout It Out Loud
I Was Made For Lovin' You
God Gave Rock And Roll To You II
Rock And Roll All Nite

lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2018

New Order Clockenflap Festival, Hong Kong November 29th, 2015

El 27 de julio de 2015 lanzan "Restless", primer single de su nuevo álbum 2015 Music Complete.
El 25 de septiembre de 2015 lanzan su décimo álbum de estudio Music Complete consiguiendo muy buenas críticas y comparándolo con sus mejores trabajos anteriores como lo fue Technique, llegando al número 2 de las listas de UK.

New Order
Clockenflap Festival, Hong Kong
November 29th, 2015


Soundboard Recording
Encoded:  320 Kbps MP3

Track List:
1.     (Intro)
2.     Singularity
3.     Crystal
4.     Restless
5.     Your Silent Face
6.     Tutti Frutti
7.     Bizarre Love Triangle
8.     Waiting for the Sirens' Call
9.     Plastic
10.  The Perfect Kiss
11.  True Faith
12.  Temptation
13.  Love Will Tear Us Apart [Joy Division cover]
14.  Blue Monday

domingo, 11 de noviembre de 2018

Syd Barrett 'Psychedelic Freak Out'

Syd Barrett
'Psychedelic Freak Out'
Demos, Acetates & Mixes


Soundboard Recordings
Encoded: 320 Kbps MP3

Track List: 
01. Interstellar Overdrive (October 31, 1965 - Demo) 1456
02. See Emily Play (May 21, 1967 - Acetate With Alternate Ending) 252
03. Scream Thy Last Scream (August 7, 1967 Malcom Jones Mix 1987) 440
04. Vegetable Man (October 1967 - Malcom Jones Mix 1987) 237
05. Vegetable Man (1967 Mix From Mason Interview, March 1969) 247
06. Silas Lang (May 6, 1968 - Backing Track) 247
07. Lanky (May 14, 1968 Part Two) 136
08. Golden Hair (May 28, 1969 Instrumental - Gareth Cousins Mix 1988) 156
09. Swan Lee (June 20, 1968 - Backing Track) 243
10. Clowns & Jugglers (July 20, 1968 Take 1 - Alternate Mix With Studio Chat) 245
11. Love You (April 11, 1969) 117
12. Clowns & Jugglers (May 3, 1969 Take 2 - Keyboard Mix) 134
13. Long Gone (July 26, 1969) 145
14. Dark Globe (July 27, 1969 Choral Version - Peter Jenner 1987 Echo Mix) 258
15. Dark Globe (July 27, 1969 Choral Version - Malcolm Jones 1987 Clean Mix) 257
16. Maisie (February 26, 1970 - Alternate Mix With Extra Vocals) 251
17. Slow Boogie (August 12, 1974) 258
18. John Lee Hooker Inspired (August 12, 1974) 352
19. In The Beachwoods (1967 - Backing Track) 449
Bonus Track:
20 Interstellar Overdrive 14:55 Pink Floyd Live Supporting Jeff Back Group, Shrine Exposition Hall,
Los Angeles, CA, July 27, 1968 
20. Interstellar Overdrive (Pink Floyd Live Supporting Jeff Back Group, Shrine Exposition Hall, Los Angeles, CA, July 27, 1968) 1455

Syd Barrett
Review Psychedelic Freak Out
1965 - 1974 Demos, Acetates & Mixes

I don’t think I’m easy to talk about.
I’ve got a very irregular head.
And I’m not anything that you think I am anyway.”
So said Syd Barret.

Founding father of the Pink Floyd & enfant terrible of avant garde rock.

This release from Godfather draws a hard, dark line under the above quote, showcasing a mish mash of some of the
best of Syd’s various demos & studio out takes.

The main bulk of this release spans Syd’s solo releases with a dash of Pink Floyd on the side to exemplify his work within that group.

Presumably lifted from the epic 17 Internet tree’d CD set “Have You Got It Yet” this makes a far more interesting listening experience than the bigger set.

For anyone who wants to pick through the murky depths of his back catalogue with out trawling through various
different takes, outfakes, Oopsed tracks or interviews then it’s a great way to start.

The Godfather has created this CD chronologically too so we can hear how Syd’s sound evolved or devolved through out his short recording career.

1. Interstellar Overdrive ( Demo - October 31st 1965 ).
I suppose, true to the date, this piece was recorded on Halloween at the Thompson Private Recording Studios for the
short film “San Francisco” by filmmaker Anthony Stern And is certainly nightmarish compared to it’s commercial sister recording.
Recorded much faster than the CV & without the plodding, meandering “Steptoe & Son” styled riff.
A few elements remain throughout such as the meandering guitar riff that permeates the track.
It should be noted that this track also lasts a few seconds shorter than the track that was released on the “Have You Got It Yet” internet treed CD.

2. See Emily Play ( May 21, 1967 - Acetate With Alternate Ending ).
Not a great deal different from the CV to my ears. The alternate ending would seem to suggest that the sitars are abbreviated slightly on the acetate.

3. Scream Thy Last Scream ( August 7, 1967 - Malcolm Jones mix 1987 ).
The unreleased follow up to ‘See Emily Play’ & one of two tracks ( Inc. Vegetable Man ) that were pulled from the 1988 rarities album “Opel”.
Another rather disturbing track from the dark rooms of Barrett’s mind with Nick Mason’s vocal being aped by a high pitched gnomic voice ( Actually Barrett.)
Without the double track vocal then the track might have stood a very good chance of actually getting a release but i can only guess that the reason it was left off
is because of the allusions to the voices that could have been a little too close to Syd’s madness for some tastes. Filled with mind skewering time changes,
violent themes & rapidly surreal lyrics it’s on of the highlights from the unreleased cannon.

4. Vegetable Man ( October 1967 - Malcolm Jones mix 1987 ).
This unreleased track is somewhat less fun to listen to. Written autobiographically from Barretts point of view it makes a point of being almost Spectoresque in filling
each nook & cranny with oddball noises, sounds & various chattering, it’s a song that just doesn’t really want go anywhere or even if it did wouldn’t know what to do with itself
when it got there. a pantomime in obscurity.

5. Vegetable Man ( 1967 Mix from Mason Interview ).
Recorded from a reel to reel tape that Nick Mason brought with him to an interview with a nameless collage student in March 1969.
The subsequent interview tape has gone missing in the interim but dubs had been made of the musical parts of the interview.
Sounding very much like an off air radio recording ( this isn’t a quiet under the table recording ) the track sounds markedly different to it’s 1987 compatriot.
This on has a little more move about it with a rampant, crazy guitar line wringing through it & with a powerful drum track administered throughout.
We can also ( almost ) hear Mason’s views on the track as he runs through his interview

6. Silas Lang ( May 6, 1968 - Backing track ).
Noted as being “Silas Lang, this is RM 1 from four track, take 1 by the recording engineer. This track starts out rather optimistic for a Barrett written track with a
rather twee strummed guitar line but then turns in to an altogether darker guitar track utilizing, according to Roger Waters “a great plan…to expand the group, get in two geezers,
some two freaks that he’d met someplace or other. One of them played banjo and the other played saxophone. We weren’t in to that at all and it was obvious the crunch had finally come”.
Another of Syd’s ideas gone awry then but it also shows that Syd wasn’t always the doom & gloom merchant that some of his later Floyd recordings suggest but rather when he put his mind to
it was capable of producing elegant & world wise tracks such as this one. It reminds me of some of the Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band’s tracks - particularly Topo D’ Bill’s “Witchi Tai To” or
rather his cover of the Harpers Bizarre cover. It’s just a shame that the track was never actually finished but, seems to be reported as being a work out to the beginning of the track
“Swan Lee” ( see track 9 )

7. Lanky - Part 2 ( May 14, 1968 ).
Another tribal influenced track rather like “Silas Lang” ( above ). Sounding like an authentic, simple, track with an african hollow drum sound.
It’s obviously a simple riff that Barrett was toying with but one that was never finished up. This track is also speculated to be known as Rhamadan as they were recorded in the same date.
It’s pure speculation mind & without the Motorbike sounds Barrett wanted to add to it there’s really no way of knowing.

8. Golden Hair ( May 28, 1969 Instrumental - Gareth Cousins mix 1988 ).
Starting ominously like one of Brian Wilson’s “SMiLE” tracks ( although it would be difficult to pinpoint who might be influencing who at this time .. )
one of Barrett’s most down beat & maudlin tracks but presented here as an instrumental.
Not as effective without Syd’s lyrics but to which that might be missing the point. The instrumentation might work as just the trick for some & so will be appreciated.
This was proposed for the “Crazy Diamond” release but left off for an earlier recorded version.

9. Swan Lee ( June 20, 1968 - Backing Track ).
Taking the same route as “Silas Lang” a groove revolving around a mumbling, noodled bass part.

10. Clowns & Jugglers ( July 20, 1968, Take 1 - Alternate with with Studio chat )
“Octopus” in different sleeves. Not a great deal of difference from the Opal release but the “studio chat” referred to at the beginning is the studio announcement
“This is ‘Clowns & Jugglers’ RS 1 from Take 1 on reel 69631".

11. Love You ( April 11, 1969 ).
The Syd from the old days. Free from the menace & doom of his later recordings & back to the seaside parade & whimsy of his earlier recordings. The track has a very Beatley type of jangle.
This version is free of the out of tune bar room piano & is wildly underproduced compared to the CV.

12. Clowns & Jugglers ( May 3, 1969. Take 2 - Keyboard Mix ).
Often there are very good reasons why one piece of an artists oeuvre remains unreleased or unrealised. This mix of the “Madcap Laughs” sessions track is truly the work of an over exaggerated mind.
Powerfully over egged & messy the reason that this was released as a pared down & almost acoustic song in the end must be that it was thought to be too far our for public consumption.
Thing of Captain Beefheart at his most fevered & wacked out & this mix comes perilously close.

13. Long Gone ( July 26, 1969. )
Sounding like an early, stripped back demo version rather than the augmented organ version found on the
‘Madcap .. ‘. A track thats very close to the Sound of Skip Spence on his “Oar” album.

14. Dark Globe ( July 27, 1969 - Choral Version. Peter Jenner 1974 Echo mix )

15. Dark Globe ( July 27, 1969 - Choral Version. Malcolm Jones 1987 Clean mix. )
Tracks 14 & 15 are two sides of the same coin. The ‘Choral’ tag refers to Syd’s delayed double tracked voice.
The main two differences being that the 1987 version is somewhat tighter & wider than the 1974 version & less scummy to listen to.
The second difference is that in the ‘74 Mix Barretts singing voice is heard quite clearly over the choir where as on the ‘87 mix the two voices are brought closer together in the mix the difference is not so obvious.
The session log seems to omit the fact that there was a session on the 27th of July so we either have to assume that there was no session & the tapes are wrongly labled ( and the 26th of July was the actual last session )
or the 27th was when the mixes of this track were submitted.

16. Maisie ( February 26, 1970 - Alternate mix w/ extra vocals. )
Starts with a clip of studio chat ( sounds like “Put The Kettle on”? ) this version differs to the track on “Barrett” by adding additional spoken word vocals panned from center to left & right.
Maybe Syd had influenced what Yoko Ono was about to be doing with her solo album as this track sounds ominously like one of the ‘Plastic Ono Band’ Sessions tracks but with a little of the Barrett magic on top.

17. Slow Boogie ( August 12, 1974. )

18. “John Lee Hooker Inspired” ( August 12, 1974 )
Tracks 17 - 18 are from the much fabled 1974 sessions when Peter Jenner managed to get Syd back in to the studio for a rough 4 days of ‘work’.
Both of these tracks feature much less than the work we’d come to expect from Syd who’s mental state must have failed him so much by this time that to focus at all would have been a struggle.
of the 8 pieces bootlegged from these sessions these two must have been chosen as ‘best’ although the rest of the material is fragmentary & untogether.
Both titles allude as much to the sound contained therein - two blues inspired tracks that sound like Nick Drake’s legendary home tapes where he can be heard strumming away old blues classics although at least Nick had songs,.
the riffs that Syd plows through must have, at the very least, been made up on the spot or half remembered from his own record collection. One can only assume that this was what Syd was listening to at home at the time for
them to be at the forefront of his mind or they were just the easiest thing to play ..

19. In The Beechwoods ( 1967. Backing Track. )
Another track from the Mason interview tape that never was. “In The Beachwoods” has a very soulish if Floydian groove. Think Tamala Motown as realised by Syd Barrett. it sounds like a great track if
only it had have been finished up & could have been another great commercial success for the group had Syd not taken the direction he did. The track, as mentioned, is taken from the interview tape
so besides being played loud had a nasty, shrill clip to the top end & a clicky, strange flutter to the tape but this does nothing to desecrate the fact that it’s unreleased Floyd.

Bonus Track

20. Interstellar Overdrive
( Pink Floyd live supporting the Jeff Beck Group, Shrine Exposition Hall, Los Angeles, CA, July 27, 1968. )
To top it all off a slightly distant audience recording of the Floyd in America supporting the Jeff Beck Band. Lunacy abound in this section with the middle section taking the form of a happening of sorts.
By all accounts this was the form of the track at the time & fans of this era Floyd or students of underground forms will find something to listen to here.

The Packaging itself it particularly handsome ( as with most of The Godfathers work. ) the front cover featuring an over exposed shot of Barrett in his live Floyd heyday fulfilling the “Psychedelic Freak Out” tag.
A colourised picture by Mick Rock on the back featuring Syd looking through a telescopic lens.
Inside the trifold is a montage of pictures featuring Syd, an excellent short essay retelling Syd’s career & achievements by Alex the Gnome & Enigma Publius & most excitingly a painting of Syd bordered on purple featuring the legend
“Psychedelic Freak Out - Demo’s, Acetates & Mixes.” it’s a shame the Don didn’t include this as a mini poster as it’s very handsome indeed.

An excellent attribution to your Barrett collection or another must have disk to file under “B”. It certainly won’t get left on the shelves.

viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2018

KISS-Live in Charlotte, 28.08.2010

The Hottest Show On Earth Tour
Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre
Charlotte, North Carolina, USA

Modern Day Delilah
Cold Gin
Let Me Go, Rock 'N Roll
Say Yeah
Crazy Crazy Nights
Calling Dr. Love
Shock Me
Tommy And Eric's Solo
I'm An Animal
100,000 Years
I Love It Loud
Love Gun
Black Diamond
Detroit Rock City
Lick It Up
Shout It Out Loud
I Was Made For Lovin' You
God Gave Rock And Roll To You II
Rock And Roll All Nite 

jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2018

Metallica 'Now That We're Live Rehearsal' 2017

Metallica anunció 'Now That We're Live', un especial del ensayo en vivo desde es M&T Bank Stadium en Baltimore que se retransmitió exclusivamente en Facebook Live el martes 9 de mayo a las 9:00 p.

'Now That We're Live Rehearsal'
M&T Bank Stadium
Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Tuesday May 9th, 2017


Soundboard Recording
Encoded: 224 Kbps MP3

Track List:
01 - Intro
02 - Atlas, Rise!
03 - For Whom the Bell Tolls
04 - Now That We're Dead
05 - Battery 

miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2018

Madness-FIB Festival, Spain, 22.07.201

FIB Festival, Spain


1.One Step Beyond (Prince Buster cover) (cut)
3.The Prince
5.My Girl
6.Mr. Apples
7.Return of the Los Palmas 7
8.The Sun and the Rain
9.Shut Up
10.Out of Space (The Prodigy cover)
11.House of Fun
12.Baggy Trousers
13.Our House
14.It Must Be Love (Labi Siffre cover)
15.Madness (Prince Buster cover)
16.Night Boat to Cairo

martes, 6 de noviembre de 2018

Kings Of Leon Reading Festival 2009

En 2008 los sencillos "Sex on Fire" y "Use Somebody" catapultaron a la banda a la fama mundial a la vez que el álbum Only by the Night obtenía el Disco de Platino en los Estados Unidos. Este concierto se lo dedico a mi amigo Julio Leon.


Kings Of Leon
Reading Festival, UK
August 28th, 2009

Broadcast Recording
Encoded: 256 Kbps MP3

Track List:
01 - intro (1:28)
02 - Be Somebody (3:55)
03 - My Party (4:26)
04 - Molly's Chambers (2:52)
05 - Red Morning Light (3:38)
06 - Fans (4:47)
07 - Revelry (3:43)
08 - Closer (4:19)
09 - Crawl (4:29)
10 - Four Kicks (3:23)
11 - Charmer (4:30)
12 - Sex on Fire (3:58)
13 - The Bucket (3:27)
14 - Notion (3:29)
15 - On Call (3:45)
16 - Taper Jean Girl (3:32)
17 - Slow Night, So Long (3:07)
18 - outro (0:38)

lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2018

Porcupine Tree-Live in Bethlehem, 23.06.2000

Porcupine Tree
NEARfest, Bethlehem, PA 


1. Even Less
2. Slave Called Shiver
3. Shesmovedon
4. Up The Downstair
5. Lightbulb Sun
6. Last Chance To Evacuate Planet Earth Before It Is Recycled
7. Russia On Ice
8. Pure Narcotic
9. Where We Would Be
10. Hatesong

1. Tinto Brass
2. E: Stop Swimming
3. Voyage 34
4. Radioactive Toy

Sound quality is outstanding and no songs are cut. Please note this is the true SBD source for this show - it is NOT the webcast version.

This recording can be easily distinguished from the webcast source by listening to the end of Hatesong. On the webcast the end is cut, while it is complete in this SBD source.

domingo, 4 de noviembre de 2018

Roger Waters Us + Them Tour Prague 2018

Otro mas de la gira Us + Them Tour.

Roger Waters
Us + Them Tour
O2 Arena
Prague, Czech Republic
Saturday April 28th, 2018


Excellent Audience Recording

Track List:

Set 1:

01. Intro / Speak To Me
02. Breathe
03. One Of These Days
04. Time
05. Breathe (Reprise)
06. The Great Gig In The Sky
07. Welcome To The Machine
08. Deja Vu
09. The Last Refugee
10. Picture That
11. Wish You Were Here
12. The Happiest Days Of Our Lives
13. Another Brick In The Wall (Part 2)
14. Another Brick In The Wall (Part 3)

Set 2:

15. Intro
16. Dogs
17. Pigs (Three Different Ones)
18. Money
19. Us And Them
20. Smell The Roses
21. Brain Damage
22. Eclipse
23. Speech - Roger
24. Wait For Her
25. Comfortably Numb

viernes, 2 de noviembre de 2018


Hollywood Vampires es un supergrupo de rock estadounidense formado en 2015 por Alice Cooper, Johnny Depp y Joe Perry para rendir homenaje a la música de las estrellas del rock que murieron por exceso en la década de 1970. El nombre de la banda se deriva de The Hollywood Vampires, un club de celebridades formado por Cooper en la década de 1970, que incluyó, entre otros, a Keith Moon de The Who y Micky Dolenz de The Monkees. Los miembros de la gira incluyen o han incluido a Duff McKagan y Matt Sorum de Guns N ’Roses, así como a Robert DeLeo de Stone Temple Pilots. La banda lanzó un álbum de estudio, Hollywood Vampires (2015), con apariciones como invitado de Paul McCartney, Dave Grohl, Joe Walsh y Christopher Lee, entre otros.


Disc 1
Track 101. I Want My Now 5:17
Track 102. Raise the Dead 3:36
Track 103. I Got a Line on You (Spirit cover) 3:03
Track 104. 7 and 7 Is (Love cover) 6:12
Track 105. Five to One-Break On Through (The Doors cover) 5:05
Track 106. The Jack-Ace of Spades (ACDC/Motorhead covers) 7:40
Track 107. Baba O’Riley (The Who cover) 5:22
Track 108. As Bad As I Am 4:12
Track 109. The Boogieman Surprise 4:22
45 mins

Disc 2
Track 201. I’m Eighteen 4:05
Track 202. Combination (Aerosmith cover) 4:15
Track 203. People Who Died (The Jim Carroll Band cover) 5:38
Track 204. Sweet Emotion (Aerosmith cover) 6:49
Track 205. Bushwackers (Johnny Cash cover) 4:57
Track 206. Heroes (David Bowie cover) 4:25
Track 207. Train Kept A-Rollin’ (The Yardbirds cover) 6:10
Track 208. School’s Out 8:26
45 mins

jueves, 1 de noviembre de 2018

Paul Weller-Live in London, Jools Holland, 05.10.2001

Paul Weller
Days Of Speed (Live On Later '01)
Live on Later... with Jools Holland
BBC2, BBC Television Centre
White City, London, England


01-Brand New Start
02-Out Of The Sinking
03-The Loved
04-English Rose
05-Above The Clouds
07-That's Entertainment [feat. Noel Gallagher]
08-Wild Wood
09-You Do Something To Me
10-Headstart For Happiness
11-Everything Has A Price To Pay
12-Town Called Malice [feat. Jools Holland]

All tracks taken from the DVD video "Paul Weller Live: Two Classic Performances"