Después de muchos años compartiendo ideas, experiencias y conocimientos en este espacio, ha llegado el momento de decir adiós. El blog Fresh and Alive cierra sus puertas, y con ello, se cierra un capítulo muy especial de mi vida. Desde el primer día, este blog ha sido un refugio para mí, un lugar donde he podido expresarme libremente y conectar con personas maravillosas de todo el mundo. Vuestro apoyo, comentarios y participación han sido el motor que ha impulsado cada publicación, cada reflexión y cada proyecto compartido aquí. A lo largo de estos años, hemos explorado juntos temas apasionantes, hemos debatido, aprendido y, sobre todo, hemos crecido como comunidad. Cada uno de vosotros ha dejado una huella imborrable en este espacio, y por ello, os estaré eternamente agradecido. La decisión de cerrar el blog no ha sido fácil, pero las circunstancias personales y profesionales me llevan a tomar este camino. Mi cojera en la pierna izquierda (Mi Hermano Andrés) ha sido un desafío constante, hace tiempo que dejó el blog y yo solo no puedo seguir, ya que me estaría engañando a mi mismo. El proyecto nació de dos personas y tengo que ser fiel a eso. Aunque me retiro de este espacio, llevo conmigo todos los recuerdos y aprendizajes que hemos compartido. Quiero agradecer especialmente a todos los colaboradores, amigos y lectores que han hecho posible Fresh and Alive. Sin vosotros, nada de esto habría sido posible. Vuestro entusiasmo y dedicación han sido una fuente constante de inspiración. Aunque este es un adiós, no es un final. Las conexiones que hemos creado aquí perdurarán, y estoy seguro de que nuestros caminos se cruzarán de nuevo en el futuro. Seguiré activo en otras plataformas y proyectos, y espero que podamos seguir compartiendo nuestras pasiones y sueños. Tras varios correos que he recibido (mas de 200) he decidido que este año 2025 dejare el blog activo para descargas y editare 12 especiales, uno por mes. El mail segura activo. Gracias por todo, de corazón. Ha sido un honor y un privilegio compartir este viaje con vosotros. Con cariño y gratitud, Sr. X

miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2020

Syd Barrett 'Joyful Lunacy: The Syd Barrett Anthology'

Solo Syd material from BBC recordings, EMI Reels and Live.

Syd Barrett 
'Joyful Lunacy: The Syd Barrett Anthology'
Demos, Outtakes, Radio Appearances and More.
4 Disc Box Set : 2016

Very Good Soundboard/Studio Recordings

Encoded: 320 Kbps MP3

Track Listings: 
Disc 1:
The John Peel ‘Top Gear’ Show. BBC Radio One
BBC Maida Vale 4 Studio, Maida Vale, London
Recorded: February 24, 1970
Transmitted: March 14, 1970 + May 30, 1970
[The Peel Sessions. Strange Fruit Cassette 1989]
101. Gigolo Aunt - Omitted *  
102. Terrapin - Omitted *
103. Baby Lemonade - Omitted *
104. Effervescing Elephant - Omitted *
105. Two Of A Kind + - Omitted *
Peter Jenner EMI Reference Reel 6604Z
Studio 3. EMI Studios, Abbey Road, St. John’s Wood, London
Compiled: August 13, 1974
[First Generation Philips C120 Cassette. 1975]
106. Milky Way [Take 5. June 7, 1970] 3:07
107. Wouldn't You Miss Me (Dark Globe) [Take 1. July 26, 1969] 3:02
108. Silas Lang [Take 1. May 6, 1968] 2:49
109. Opel [Take 9. April 11, 1969] 6:22
110. Untitled (Words) [Take 1. July 21, 1970] 3:04
111. Birdy Hop [Take 1. June 7, 1970] 2:40
112. Silas Lang (Swan Lee) [Take 5. May 21/28, June 8/20/27, 1968] 2:48
113. Scream Thy Last Scream [Take 4. August 7, 1967] 4:39
114. Vegetable Man [Unknown Take. October 9-12, 1967] 2:31
Peter Jenner EMI Reference Reel 5896-8T
Studio 3. EMI Studios, Abbey Road, St. John’s Wood. London
Recorded: August 12, 1974
Compiled: August 13, 1974
[First Generation Philips C120 Cassette. 1975]
115. Boogie #1 1:44
116. Boogie #2 1:32
117. Boogie #3 1:30
118. If You Go #1 2:30
119. Ballad (Unfinished) 0:59
120. Chooka-Chooka Chug Chug 0:37
121. If You Go #2 1:58
122. Untitled 1:23
123. Slow Boogie 2:57
124. John Lee Hooker 3:52
125. Fast Boogie 1:21
126. Silas Lang [Take 1. May 6/13, 1968. RM1] 3:00
John Peel ‘Top Gear’ Show. BBC Radio One
BBC Maida Vale 4 Studio, Maida Vale, London
Recorded: February 24, 1970
[Top Of The Pops ? 280/Week 14. BBC Transcription Service LP]
127. Brian Matthew Introduction - Omitted *
128. Gigolo Aunt - Omitted *
129. Effervescing Elephant - Omitted *
130. Terrapin - Omitted *
* Released on Syd Barrett - The Peel Sessions (Strange Fruit)

Disc 2:
Extravaganza ‘70 Music and Fashion Festival
Exhibition Hall, Olympia, Kensington, London
Recorded Live: June 6, 1970
[Speed corrected restoration]
201. Terrapin 6:11
202. Gigolo Aunt 5:11
203. Effervescing Elephant 1:30
204. Octopus 5:29
The Malcolm Jones Tape
Compiled: Early 1980s.
[Second Generation Cassette. Source #1]
205. Love You [Take 1. April 11, 1969] 1:11
206. Love You [Take 2. April 11, 1969] 1:21
207. Long Gone [Take 1. July 26, 1969] 1:48
208. Lanky (Part 2)[Take 1. May 14, 1968] 1:35
209. Clowns And Jugglers [Take 1. July 20, 1968] 2:47
210. Clowns And Jugglers [Take 3. April 25/May 3, 1969] 1:34
211. Opel [Take 9. April 11, 1969] 1:59
212. Silas Lang (Swan Lee) [Take 1. June 8/July 20, 1968] 0:55
213. Swan Lee [Take 5. April 10, 1969] 0:47
214. Untitled Instrumental [Unknown Take. Unknown Date] [Second Generation Cassette. Source #2] 1:33
215. Love You [Take 1. April 11, 1969] 1:08
216. Love You [Take 2. April 11, 1969] 1:22
217. Long Gone [Take 1. July 26, 1969] 1:56
218. Lanky (Part 2) [Take 1. May 14, 1968] 1:31
219. Clowns And Jugglers [Take 1. July 20, 1968] 2:21
220. Octopus [Take 11. June 12, 1969] 0:25
221. Clowns And Jugglers [Take 3. April 25/May 3, 1969] 0:51
222. Opel [Take 9. April 11, 1969] 1:39
223. Swan Lee [Take 1. June 8/July 20, 1968] 1:02
224. Swan Lee [Take 5. April 10, 1969] 0:58
225. Untitled Instrumental [Unknown Take. Unknown Date] 1:34
Malcolm Jones Rough Mixes. EMI Reel 76037Z
Studio 3. EMI Studios, Abbey Road, St. John’s Wood. London
Compiled: August 18, 1987
[First Generation Cassette. 1987]
226. Wouldn’t You Miss Me [Take 1. July 26, 1969] 3:00
227. Swan Lee (Silas Lang) [Take 5. May 28, June 8, 1968, April 10, 1969] 3:26
228. Scream Thy Last Scream [Take 4. August 7, 1967] 4:37
229. Vegetable Man [Unknown Take. October 9-12, 1967] 2:47
230. She Took A Long Cold Look At Me [Take 5. July 26, 1969] 1:54

Disc 3:
Bob Harris ‘Sounds Of The Seventies’. BBC Radio 1.
Studio S1, BBC Transcription Service, Kensington House, Shepherd’s Bush London
Recorded: February 16, 1971
Transmitted: March 1, 1971
[Speed corrected Restoration]
301. Baby Lemonade 3:53
302. Dominoes 1:12
303. Love Song 0:23
Phil Smee / Brian Hogg ‘Opel’ Remixes
Room 77a, EMI Studios, Abbey Road, St. John’s Wood. London
Compiled: August 17, 1988
[Second Generation Abbey Road Real Time Cassette Copy. 1988]
304 .Opel [Take 9. April 11, 1969] 3:02
305. Clowns and Jugglers[Take 2. July 20, 1968, April 10. 1969. Take 3. April 25, 1969, May, 3, 1969] 4:25
306. Swan Lee (Silas Lang) [Take 5. May 28, June 8, 1968, April 10, 1969] 4:15
307. Untitled (Words) [Take 1. July 21, 1970] 0:29
308. Birdy Hop [Take 1. June 7, 1970] 3:24
309. Rats [Take 1. June 7, 1970] 3:54
310. Wined and Dined [Take 1. June 7, 1970] 3:16
311. Wined and Dined [Take 1. June 7, 1970] 2:18
312. Milky Way [Take 5. June 7, 1970] 0:52
313. Golden Hair [Remake Take 6. June 12, 1969] 2:34
314. Golden Hair [Remake Take 6. June 12, 1969. More Echo] 3:35
315. Lanky (Part One) [Take 1. May 14, 1968] 3:18
316. Golden Hair [Take 1. May 14, 1968] 2:27
317. Golden Hair [Take 1. May 14, 1968] 0:16
318. Dolly Rocker [Take 1. July 14, 1970] 2:56
319. Let’s Split [Takes 1/2. July 14, 1970] 2:22
320. Wouldn’t You Miss Me (Dark Globe) [Take 1. July 26, 1969] 2:24
Bob Harris Sounds Of The Seventies. BBC Radio 1.
Studio S1, BBC Transcription Service, Kensington House, Shepherd’s Bush. London
Recorded: February 16, 1971
Transmitted: March 1, 1971
[Alternate Source]
321. Love Song 6:38

Disc 4:
The ‘Crazy Diamond’ Remixes. EMI DAT 02994
EMI Studios, Abbey Road, St. John’s Wood. London
Compiled: November 24, 1992
[First Generation Abbey Road Real Time Cassette Copy. 1993]
401. Baby Lemonade [Take 1. February 26, 1970] 3:05
402. Baby Lemonade [Take 1. February 26, 1970. Edit Section For End] 3:07
403. Maisie [Take 1. February 26, 1970] 1:29
404. Maisie [Take 2. February 26, 1970] 6:36
405. Gigolo Aunt [Take 9. February 27, 1970] 3:36
406. Waving My Arms In The Air/I Never Lied To You [Take 1. April 2, 1970] 3:17
407. It is Obvious [Take 1. July 22, 1970] 3:22
408. It is Obvious [Take 2. July 22, 1970] 2:33
409. It is Obvious [Take 3. July 22, 1970] 4:02
410. It is Obvious [Take 5. July 22, 1970] 0:48
411. Love Song [Take 1. July 14, 1970] 3:15
412. Dominoes [Take 1. July 14, 1970] 3:07
413. Dominoes [Take 2. July 14, 1970] 1:49
414. Clowns And Jugglers (Octopus) [Take 1. July 20, 1968] 1:45
415. Late Night [Take 2. May 21, 1968] 5:36
416. Golden Hair [Take 2. May 14/28, 1968. Renumbered Take 5. June 8/20/27, July 20, 1968] 2:20
417. Octopus [Take 1. June 12, 1969] 1:57
418. Octopus [Take 2. June 12, 1969] 3:03
419. Love You [Take 1. April 11, 1969] 2:40
420. Love You [Take 3. April 11, 1969] 3:06
421. It’s No Good Trying [Take 3. April 11, 1969] 1:33

Syd Barrett: Guitar, Vocal / David Gilmour: Bass, Drums / Hugh Hopper: Bass
Jerry Shirley: Drums, Percussion / Mike Ratledge: Organ, Piano
Nick Mason: Drums, Vocal / Rick Wright: Keyboards / Robert Wyatt: Drums, Percussion
Roger Waters: Bass

David Gilmour / John Muir / John Walters / Malcolm Jones / Norman Smith / Peter Dauncy
Peter Jenner / Roger Waters / Syd Barrett

Alan Parsons / Anthony Clarke / Brian Hogg / Gareth Cousins / Geoff Emerick / J. Smith
Jeff Jarrett / John Kurlander / John Leckie / John White / Ken Scott / Michael Sheady
Michael Weighell / Neil Richmond / Nick Webb / Pat Stapley / Peter Bown / Peter Mew
Phil MacDonald / Phil Smee / Richard Langham / Tony Wilson

2 / 3. EMI Recording Studios, Abbey Road, St. John’s Wood. London
De Lane Lea Music Ltd. Music Recording Studios, 129 Kingsway. London
Studio 4, BBC Maida Vale Studios, London
Studio TS1, BBC Transcription Service, Kensington House, Shepherd’s Bush. London.

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