Después de muchos años compartiendo ideas, experiencias y conocimientos en este espacio, ha llegado el momento de decir adiós. El blog Fresh and Alive cierra sus puertas, y con ello, se cierra un capítulo muy especial de mi vida. Desde el primer día, este blog ha sido un refugio para mí, un lugar donde he podido expresarme libremente y conectar con personas maravillosas de todo el mundo. Vuestro apoyo, comentarios y participación han sido el motor que ha impulsado cada publicación, cada reflexión y cada proyecto compartido aquí. A lo largo de estos años, hemos explorado juntos temas apasionantes, hemos debatido, aprendido y, sobre todo, hemos crecido como comunidad. Cada uno de vosotros ha dejado una huella imborrable en este espacio, y por ello, os estaré eternamente agradecido. La decisión de cerrar el blog no ha sido fácil, pero las circunstancias personales y profesionales me llevan a tomar este camino. Mi cojera en la pierna izquierda (Mi Hermano Andrés) ha sido un desafío constante, hace tiempo que dejó el blog y yo solo no puedo seguir, ya que me estaría engañando a mi mismo. El proyecto nació de dos personas y tengo que ser fiel a eso. Aunque me retiro de este espacio, llevo conmigo todos los recuerdos y aprendizajes que hemos compartido. Quiero agradecer especialmente a todos los colaboradores, amigos y lectores que han hecho posible Fresh and Alive. Sin vosotros, nada de esto habría sido posible. Vuestro entusiasmo y dedicación han sido una fuente constante de inspiración. Aunque este es un adiós, no es un final. Las conexiones que hemos creado aquí perdurarán, y estoy seguro de que nuestros caminos se cruzarán de nuevo en el futuro. Seguiré activo en otras plataformas y proyectos, y espero que podamos seguir compartiendo nuestras pasiones y sueños. Tras varios correos que he recibido (mas de 200) he decidido que este año 2025 dejare el blog activo para descargas y editare 12 especiales, uno por mes. El mail segura activo. Gracias por todo, de corazón. Ha sido un honor y un privilegio compartir este viaje con vosotros. Con cariño y gratitud, Sr. X

lunes, 5 de marzo de 2018


This collection has 2 discs worth of material for this one, plus a "bonus" disc of demos.

Have to admit, although this was really fun compiling, it was also extremely difficult.  As most of you know, Prince's work during the 80s was voluminous, and a lot of it was unreleased, or released on different collections throughout the decades.  It wasn't so much of finding the music as it was identifying the proper era/session that it belonged to.  Of all of his releases, this one is probably the toughest.  Probably because you had to contend with the bootleg Black Album as well as all of the material for Sign O the Times (which is almost as bad.)  That being said, does the Black Album belong on it's own, or should the material be absorbed into the releases around it?  I still haven't figured that one out, yet.

After my love of Around the World In A Day, I had to get this album, and also see the accompanying film Under the Cherry Moon.  Well, yes, the movie sucked IMO, but the music was some of his best.  Along with the obvious singles, which were all some of his best, we also have Venus De Milo and Sometimes It Snows In April and Anotherloverholeinyohead and the list goes on.  At this time in my life, my love for this brand of Pop music was a secret hidden love (as my skater punk friends of the time wouldn't have approved) so I listened to this one mostly in my room, doing homework or reading comic books.  So, it is still an album that I listen to when I'm alone, or want some solace or during quiet times around our house.  To me, that's how it's meant to be, that's how I remember it.

Hey... I absolutely love the work you put into all of these albums. You did say however that if anything was wrong in the tracks we could mention and I found a couple ones. Crystal Ball, Dream Factory & All My Dreams were actually part of the unreleased Dream Factory sessions, which later became Sign o The Times, so they would part of that. Also The Black Album (at least most of it) probably should be absorbed into Sign o The Times as well, since most of the tracks were recorded during the Dream Factory / Sign o The Times sessions (except When 2 R In Love, which ended up on Lovesexy anyways...) But what do I know? It's your choice anyways. Just thought I would mention that. -Original

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